Monday, February 26, 2018


This moralistic mosaic doesn’t shy away from getting dirty and, despite sprawling story-telling and poetic imagery, never feels watered down. Resourcefully makes the most of every frame, lending further empathy to remarkably genuine performances of entire cast. Ultimately, despite intense tragedy and brutal social commentary, positivity cannot be bound down.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Post

Equal parts history lesson and current events commentary, this President’s Men (and Women) prequel delivers a good lead but fails to follow it up compellingly. Hanks and Streep easily traverse their tiny character arcs, while lesser roles are occupied by TV regulars, all on a quest to break something bad.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Good Time

Patsy proves he’s best at his worst as he endures a horrible time trying to rescue his director from the results of bad crime. Impressively gritty dialog and aesthetics brother up well with bold music choices to successfully transform a simultaneously petty and convoluted plot into a surreal urban nightmare.