Monday, December 18, 2017

The Big Sick

Though an emotional roller-coaster ride, this true story of a Pakistandup comedian is so honest and endearing that it delivers big feelings without inducing sickness. Her alliterative parents and his fantastic foreign family provide perfect support to stellar leads and ensure that film about comedic belief stands up and out.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Murder on the Orient Express

Only one culprit in the murder of a movie made attractive by first-class cast, cleverly contained coverage and a talented hair & mustache department; the script. Less whodunit and more whocares, once the plot is set in locomotion, it’s promptly derailed by an avalanche of artificial action and useless clues.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Gerald's Game

Ironically, what starts as a film about the need to broaden horizons, expands into proof that sometime restrictions result in quality, as the film falls out of focus once the cuffs come off. Clever cinematography and blocking keep the headboard from boredom, but a mediocre third act eclipses excellent intro.