Thursday, June 29, 2017

Beauty and the Beast (2017)

Elitist Hermione follows her hobbit father into a slightly less animated re-imagined adventure. Book-smarts bring beastiality to beauty’s brain, playing perfectly into Princely prick’s quest to pursue a tail as young as possible. Meanwhile no one sings like Gaston, though Gad spells disastter in Evans’ efforts to ring a Belle.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Wonder Woman

Wonder Gal’s nuanced naivety sustains an overlong story despite periodic poor pacing. Excellently executed film uses physical action as proxy for ideals resulting in an epic battle boasting comedy, moral weight, and a sprinkling of Snyder speed-ramps. DC deserves a Pat on the back for finally birthing a good film.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

It Comes at Night

It comes as no surprise that It Follows’ follow up is brooding, dark and beautifully shot. It solves predecessor’s third-act plot crisis by existing in a world where plot (and civilization) has mysteriously disappeared. Once the endless foreboding fades, film seems to last all day and never quite reach night.