Monday, August 31, 2015

American Sniper

Cooper nails simultaneously macho and vulnerable performance as he maneuvers through the realistic (except the baby) and enthralling world of the Middle-Eastwood.  Well executed, if slightly over-cinematized, film rides wire between propaganda and entertainment but certainly hits its artistic mark.  Suffers from under-elaborated abrupt ending but perhaps that too is

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Inherent Vice

Source material is film’s inherent vice.  Phoenix stays lit as latter day Lebowski amidst a stellar cast of coked-up costars while Anderson’s brilliant long-shots mark the highlight of an overly long and convoluted mockery of narrative.  Rainbow pallet lightens the gravity of what may be the brightest noire ever made.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service

Starts with a bang, ends with an ass, and provides a fun ride in between but James Bond: First Class kicks less ass than expected.  Vaughn gets it Wright occasionally but otherwise burns screen-time with tedious training, self-critical comedy, and a lead less compelling than any of his ample support.