Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In Bruges

Esteemed playwright McDonagh brings his wit to this screen by populating a beautiful Belgian sh*thole with rich cast suffused with simultaneous comedy and melancholy. Deeply philosophic dark comedy that follows the cast of Harry Potter through a Boschian nightmare. Highlights include brilliant political incorrectness and award-worthy performance by Bullseye’s eyebrows.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Away We Go

Mendes’ attempt at indie feels like Wes Anderson turned Sideways. Krasinski and Rudolph evolve beyond TV comedy roots but drown in a sea of scrambled Eggers supporting characters. Overall an amusing but dissatisfying quasi-comedy that chokes itself with too much quirk. Gyllenhaal, Janney, and Gaffigan are uncharacteristically unimpressive. Indie music!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I

A half-satisfying half-movie featuring veritable cameos from the costars of its predecessors. Accurate collection of scene re-enactments strung together by semblance of plot and endless apparations. Hermione’s hotness completely skews the book’s character and Ron Weasley goes Sam Gamgee. Nearly naked aging teens with lack of Hogwarts distinguish this half-film.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Wristcutters: A Love Story

Odd meditation on the afterlife with perfect assortment of pensive characters. Enthusiastic leap into extraordinary premise makes accepting it easy, and Whigham’s Virgil to Fugit’s Dante makes the whole thing enjoyable. Where there’s a Will (Arnett) to distract there’s a Waits to perform sublimely and restore equilibrium. A lovely story.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Tropic Thunder

Stiller triumphantly directs brilliant send-up of movie-making process. Downey Jr. is black and Black is Farley, with Cruise and McConaughey delivering their first and best supporting roles. Plot necessitates some suspension of disbelief but makes doing so easy. Attacked, not for blackface, but for ‘retard’ discussion. They’re characters, you halfs!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

Brilliant adaptation of classic kids’ story adds necessary complexity and character to make compelling movie. Stuffed with jokes for adults and kids alike and layered with reference to other genres. Beautifully prepared and seasoned with phenomenal use of 3-D effects. Features healthy helping of SNL topped with T for flavor.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Never Back Down

Not Shakespeare, but it certainly delivers what it promises. Djimon teaches pre-Tom Cruise that one day he too can be an angry slave, while Peters of Kick Ass films infinite ass-kicking. Gigandet and Heard play their roles with conviction and even the sneaky title in dialogue seems decently sincere. Sequel!